Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release

The faces of Urkesh

The Folios

Giorgio Buccellati – December 2008

Since 1999, I have been issuing yearly folders with plates accompanied by brief explanatory texts. Addressed to our most generous supporters, and nicely encased in leather bound folders, they interpret, in a somewhat poetic mood at times, the strong impressions one retains at the end of the season of what are the most significant results. They define each specific season’s profile.

I have called this genre of report a “Folio.” They are not in the nature of a true report, and they may venture more freely in the territory of hypotheses and conjectures. But they render the slight intoxication one feels at the end of a season’s work… It is in this light that they should be seen, and, then, they do not seem to have lost the interest of their initial purpose.

Taken together, they form the equivalent of a large picture book, which gives a clear overall view of the main results, with a strong interpretive bent.

I will post here, in PDF format and in chronological order, those that predate the latest season. The most recent excavation season is always reserved as a special printed edition for our supporters.

1999 The daughter of Naram-Sin (914 KB) Italian version (979 KB)
2000 The Palace and the beyond (880 KB)
2001-3 Widening horizons (1.2 MB)
2004 Urkesh @20 (7 MB) Arabic version
Italian version (4.9 MB)
2005-6 Recovering a new civilization (1.7 MB) Arabic version
2007 A site for all seasons (1.6 MB) Arabic version
2008 The archaeology of experience (3.7 MB) Arabic version
Italian version (3.7 MB)
2009 The floodwaters of Urkesh (2.75 MB) Arabic version
Italian version

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